22 Special Boyfriend Quotes When Your Girlfriend Is On Her Period 
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22 Special Boyfriend Quotes When Your Girlfriend Is On Her Period 

By now, you may have noticed that your girlfriend’s behavior during her period may become abnormal. Her irritability levels become high, and she probably needs you around more or does not want you near her. 

You should know that she does not purposely choose to be a ticking time bomb, but this is because of the mashup of hormones in her body. These hormones affect her mood swings but decrease as she comes to the end of her period. You should want to be present for her, especially emotionally.

In this article, we will show you how you can be there for your girlfriend during her period.

Understanding Your Girlfriend’s Period

Wanting to understand your girlfriend’s period shows you are concerned about her. This is noble of you. The female reproductive system is a complicated system but still comprehensive; wanting to learn about it is excellent.

Menstruation is a normal bodily function

Menstruation is a natural process that occurs when the lining of the uterus sheds. It happens about once a month, typically lasting 3-7 days and is a sign that a woman’s body is functioning correctly.

Periods can be uncomfortable

Many women experience cramps, mood swings, fatigue, headaches, backaches, and other symptoms during their period. Be empathetic toward your girlfriend if she is experiencing discomfort or pain. You can offer her a back massage or hot towel treatment to help with the painful cramps.

PMS is real

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a collection of physical and emotional symptoms that some women experience in the days leading up to their period. The low estrogen levels during menstruation cause a drop in serotonin levels in the body. 

Serotonin regulates sleep and the mood state. A drop in it causes symptoms like bloating, irritability, and depression. You may find that some of her past hurtful events begin to re-affect her too. Be supportive and understanding if your girlfriend experiences these symptoms.

Periods can be unpredictable

Every woman’s menstrual cycle is different, and it can take time to establish a regular pattern. Even when the regular pattern is established, other factors can alter it, such as changes in diet, weather conditions, or even emotional instability. 

Support your girlfriend by being flexible and understanding if her period starts unexpectedly or lasts longer than usual. Seek medical advice if it lasts for more than seven days.

It’s okay to talk about periods

It’s essential to break down the stigma and shame surrounding menstruation. With good menstrual hygiene and support from the community, menstruation becomes smooth sailing. 

Many people make the mistake of making women feel like they disgust them when they are menstruating. Instead of doing this, encourage open communication with your girlfriend and let her know that you are comfortable talking about periods if she needs support or has questions.

Supportive Quotes to Share with Your Girlfriend During Her Period

The pain and other body changes are hard for your girlfriend to deal with. Make this time easier for her by sharing supportive quotes with her. They may even have some remedy suggestions for the pain. 

  1. I know the pain is unbearable, but placing a hot towel on your abdomen will help with the pain.
  1. I hate to see you like this, but I’ll drop over your favorite chocolate to bring you a little happiness.
  1. Remember to take fruits and a lot of water to replace the water and nutrients you’re losing.
  1. Menstruation is actually beautiful. Nature and its mystery really unveils itself in women and I’m in awe.
  1. If the pain becomes too unbearable, I’ll take you to the doctor to get checked out.
  1. Remember that too many painkillers will weaken their effectiveness on your body. Just call me when it’s too much, and I’ll be your Superman.

Empathetic Sayings for Boyfriends When Their Girlfriend is on Her Period

These empathetic sayings will need to make your girlfriend feel like you care. The sayings may also offer some suggestions she could try to soothe her cramps, or generally have a smooth menstruation.

  1. I know losing blood from your body every month is definitely one of the many things God has to explain because it’s the most mysterious but heavenly phenomenon.
  1. After this, we’ll head to a spa to have you feeling good and ready to go about your duties as normal.
  1. There’s no shortcut when it comes to going through your period. But I’ll be sending you some funny memes to keep you distracted.
  1. Lying on your stomach also helps. The groaning will definitely help too. Don’t hide that you’re in pain.
  1. I love you so much, and the way you take the pain each and every month amazes me.
  1. Get through this period knowing that after, we’ll be getting all your favorite snacks and series because you deserve it.

Words of Comfort: Quotes for Boyfriends to Help Their Girlfriend Through Periods

Comforting words will make her feel loved by you. Though it will not ease any pain, your girlfriend will feel nice knowing you are by her side.

  1. I know the pain is unbearable, but this means you are a strong woman. Not only a strong woman but my strong woman.
  1. I’m not able to take your pain away. If I could, I would. But I’m here to take your mind off things.
  1. When someone is in pain, the pain may cloud all other emotions they can feel. But I want to remind you that I love you, and you are strong.
  1. I’m so sorry about your cramps. If it hurts too much, you don’t have to take it all in. I’ll help you get to the gynecologist.
  1. I don’t mean to be cliché, but I would exchange places with you if I could. Instead, I’ll be here for you in every other way 

Quotes to Show Understanding and Empathy During Her Menstrual Cycle

Send her some quotes to keep her mind off of things. This distraction will be a little effective in easing her pain or mood swings.

  1. I am filled with respect for you as a woman. Going through a period is just one of the wonderful things your body does.
  1. Expecting hemorrhage and blood loss every month while still having to go about your normal duties is hard. You deserve a lot of respect.
  1. You take the pain, and your body changes just like a soldier takes in the pain. You are honorable for that and many other things.
  1. I know it may feel like nature itself is against you. But I’m right there by your side until it’s all over.
  1. Your uterus is simply manifesting how nature and time go together. If you asked me, your uterus should be in a movie where it’s invincible.


Being there for your girlfriend while she is menstruating is not only noble of you as a man, but it will also build trust and love. It’s the little things that reinforce the love you both share. So don’t be shy to go all out in making her feel like a queen during her period.

In the spirit of getting her mind off things, why don’t you get her this personalized infinity symbol necklace double name. It is a sterling silver necklace with the pendant being an infinity symbol with her name fixed within the symbol. This will flatter her and make her feel special to you.

Another gift to check out is this personalized love arrow birthstone heart necklace. It is made of sterling silver, and the pendant is a heart with the inner ends shaped like the head and tail of an arrow. It can also be personalized with a sweet message for your girl. The symbolism will make it a wonderful keepsake.

Vincent Otieno

Vincent Otieno is a passionate jewelry enthusiast and writer at Getnamenecklace, an e-commerce store dedicated to offering exquisite jewelry and thoughtful gifts for your loved ones. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of gift-giving, Vincent curates a collection that celebrates the beauty of craftsmanship and the joy of making family moments unforgettable.

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