
48 Exciting Short Quotes for Graduation Day

Many people use their graduation day to do the things they have always wished to do. Some confess their love to their crush, others use the limelight to bask in the pride of their loved ones, and others unveil their prowess at writing and telling quotes.

In this article, we will focus on showing you funny, witty, and inspirational quotes for your graduation day. You can insert them in your speech, photo captions, or graduation scrapbook to give them a little more personality and make them interesting.

Inspirational Quotes for Graduation Day

With all the effort put into graduating, it’s only proper to mark it all with an inspirational quote that will benefit anyone following the same path. Here are our samples:

  1. Hard work isn’t only the key to success but happiness, too. If you love what you do, you will be successful.
  1. All great people have their own narratives of pain for their own gain.
  1. It’s never a walk in the park to be successful. It first needs self-realization, then sacrifice and resilience.
  1. I’m happy to have finally understood myself in my stay at campus like when I should push myself and when I should give myself grace. I am happy to say that in pursuit of knowledge and excellence, I became my best friend.
  1. The greatest enemy of success is procrastination. If you want things to be done, then you need to start doing them.
  1. Once you keep being resilient, you are filling up your happiness and pride bank for when you finally make it. Use your disappointments to fuel yourself to excellence.
  1. The food served on your table at the end of the day depends on the work done during the day.
  1. Several times I felt very lazy and too down to even want to continue with my studies. But those moments are what I imagined would give me more pride when I finally graduated. Sometimes you have to prove yourself wrong, not just others.

Quotes About Achievement and Success

Graduating is tied to success, so you should realize that many people see you as a success after your graduation. You can use these quotes to encourage them and tell your story.

  1. Achievement is hard. That’s why when you finally succeed, make the celebrations worth the sacrifice.
  1. Success is full of pain from sacrifice. Sometimes salt is rubbed onto your wound when you find yourself struggling but still failing. But even at this stage, you’re way ahead of someone who hasn’t even tried.
  1. Now that I have graduated, I can tell the others still in session that sometimes you just have to deny yourself. Your body doesn’t know what your mind plans unless you program it to.
  1. Success is like a shiny trophy at the end of a path full of thorns. As long as you’re determined enough, you will get it.
  1. Some of us have basked in our success during this graduation. Now that you’ve tasted the feeling of success, never tire of yearning for it.
  1. It’s safe to consider determination as success’ counterpart. Without it, it’ll be hard to get to where you want to be.
  1. Laziness can easily snuff out your brilliant destiny, no matter how much you’re gifted. Be determined, resilient, and diligent and all that’ll be left for you to do is to conquer the world.
  1. Success doesn’t come easy. Especially in academics, success still requires determination and sacrifice even if you’re talented. So employ these two virtues, determination and diligence.

Quotes Emphasizing Growth and Learning

With the growth in your knowledge, you also grow in other areas because of your improved assessment and reasoning skills. The quotes in this section are based on this side of higher learning.

  1. Self-development starts with self-realization and the thirst to learn.
  1. Growth and learning are inevitable. Even away from school, you’ll still learn things that will help you grow.
  1. Only a fool hates to listen and learn new things. This is a dynamic world, and it needs flexible minds.
  1. Favour is for whoever is ready to learn. Everyone likes a listener who is taking note of what to do to better or correct themselves.
  1. Knowledge is the most expensive currency in the new world. You need to have one.
  1. With this new academic accolade, don’t assume that there’s no more learning from here. In fact, now is the time to open your mind to discoveries.
  1. Learning is tied to growing but the vice versa isn’t true. So don’t be surprised when you encounter older people without your experience. Don’t be afraid to challenge them.
  1. The most educated person in the world is the one who has learned to learn.

Humorous and Light-hearted Graduation Quotes

You can turn lighter moments on campus into clever quotes that are memorable too. In this section, we have shared samples of humorous quotes relating to graduation and the years that led to it.

  1. Graduation is an elated feeling. Don’t be shy to let all your demons out today. You earned it.
  1. Campus looked easy to me but it wasn’t. It was very hard. And that’s why we’ll make this graduation party a blast.
  1. I know after this graduation most of us have different feelings. Some feel like they’ve taken a big exhale, some feel like they’ve marked the start of a new journey, while others feel the animalistic urge to go wild and party. I am the latter.
  1. Remember to take good graduation photos. This is your future at hand.
  1. They say that it will remain a dream if you only dream. Thanks to that quote I have four years of insomnia that I’ll have to change to sleeping beauty to recover.
  1. I am grateful that the campus has made me realize my potential. I never knew the lengths I’m willing to go to procrastinate, not to measure the pressure I’m willing to endure as a consequence.
  1. I am truly happy to be living my graduation day. It would only take roughly two more breakdowns and I would’ve called it quits and moved to the Caribbean.
  1. I like graduation and all the attention it draws to me. I can see myself studying up to PhD level now.

Quotes from Famous Personalities

Many celebrities have also had some helpful quotes for people who are graduating. We have picked some for you.

  1. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.” – Steve Jobs
  1. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela
  1. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  1. “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer
  1. “Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” – Nora Ephron
  1. “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  1. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker
  1. “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Personalized Graduation Quotes

Personal experiences make up the majority of campus life memories. In the quotes we’ll show you, we tap into the correlation between academic and personal lessons on campus.

  1. A lesson I will never forget is that success is deserved not just by those who want it, but those who work towards it. Those who never try shouldn’t expect anything.
  1. Everyone yearns to be successful. But only the determined get success. Let’s just say that I learned this the hard way.
  1. Graduation has brought everyone I studied with so much joy. I am not just happy for myself, but for everyone who pulled through. It was good and bad, but we made it.
  1. The most dangerous disease in the world is indolence. Overcoming it makes the problem half-solved.
  1. My graduation has made me feel like I’m truly the star of my show. What I can tell anyone unsure of what the future holds is that diligence does pay.
  1. Achieving my goals has birthed a new feeling of freedom in me. I can venture into what I want, make more meaningful friendships, and discover new parts of myself as I reinvent myself. I love this feeling of reaping my efforts.
  1. I’m happy about the glow-up that having beautiful new experiences with people and new environments has given me. Maturity looks great on me.
  1. Graduation is over and now I can give more of my time and focus to my social goals and family. It’ll be new grounds since what I know best is to attend classes and worry about papers, but I know that I’ll make it.


We hope that your graduation festivities are full of joy and pleasant memories. Our quotes can be used to uplift anyone looking to follow in your footsteps, and you can also bluntly tell them what to expect on campus. You can also have some laughs when going back memory lane as you revisit your graduation pictures. In short, you can rizz up your graduation pictures with our sample quotes covering your campus life anecdotes.

Vincent Otieno

Vincent Otieno is a passionate jewelry enthusiast and writer at Getnamenecklace, an e-commerce store dedicated to offering exquisite jewelry and thoughtful gifts for your loved ones. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of gift-giving, Vincent curates a collection that celebrates the beauty of craftsmanship and the joy of making family moments unforgettable.

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