A Complete Guide About Writing a Funeral Speech for Grandpa from Granddaughter
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A Complete Guide About Writing a Funeral Speech for Grandpa from Granddaughter

Losing your grandpa is one of the biggest losses. You can never narrate the pain at that moment. But when you have to write a eulogy for your grandpa, you can’t resist saying a big yes. It’s the best way to summarize your beloved memories with the deceased.

If you feel that you don’t have words to condole or write a eulogy, it’s completely ok. Losing loved ones is an utter pain, and it may not be easy to pen down your feelings. Read on to find out how a granddaughter can write a funeral speech for grandpa.

Five tips for writing a funeral speech for grandpa

We have collected here a few tips for writing a eulogy. Let’s go through these tips first before jumping to eulogy examples!

  1. Write down the best of his memories. Eulogy becomes strong and super-emotional when you add real stories, incidents, and memories.
  2. Let your eulogy portray the accurate picture of your relationship with your grandpa. Share your thoughts about how blessed you feel for having him as your grandpa. If you successfully narrate your bond with him, your eulogy will be the best.
  3. Writing a eulogy is itself an emotional task. Don’t be afraid to showcase your emotions in the eulogy. Your emotions are proof of your love for your grandpa. Let them be visible in your eulogy.
  4. Try to go with the flow when writing the eulogy. We think a lot because we are humans. It’s completely fine if your eulogy is not perfect. It only needs to be something everyone can relate to. Everyone listening to you will be mourning the loss of your beloved grandpa. So let them flow in the emotions with you.
  5. Practice before reading it in front of everyone. Public speaking is an art, and it becomes more challenging when you have to read a funeral speech. Often your emotions take control of you. But don’t worry! Your audience will not be expecting a fluent speech from you. They are there only to grieve with you. A little practice will work well in this regard.

Sample Eulogies for grandpa from granddaughter

Still confused? Don’t worry! We have some examples to help you understand what a eulogy looks like. Read on to write yours!

Eulogy 1

My grandpa was the kindest of all. Generosity was the most prominent trait that ruled his personality. The way he used to love his grandchildren is unparallel. I will never forget his limitless love for me.

I never saw him criticizing anyone. He always gave me confidence with his encouraging words. He used to say: “Be what you are, my girl, because you are the best.” Ah! I can still feel these words echoing in my ears.   

This surreal feeling is still uncertain that my grandpa has gone far away. He has an eternal place in my heart and memory. I will miss every moment I spent with you, grandpa!

My heart overflows with sadness as I have to say an eternal goodbye to my grandpa today. It’s harsh and unrealistic but destined. Farewell to my favorite personality!

Eulogy 2

My grandpa was an incredibly unique person. He influenced every life he touched. I feel so blessed that I spent a lot of years with him. From his jokes to his pieces of advice, he made every moment worth remembering with his wisdom.

It’s an absolute fact that my grandpa was the best storyteller. And now, when I was writing this eulogy, I cried. I never had an idea that I would have to share my memories with him in a eulogy. But it’s fate!

His special bond with me taught me a lot about life. He was an honest man, and thank God! I inherited this trait from him. I lost a game because my friends cheated when I was a child. I was so sad when my grandpa said that my girl was the winner for me. Because you were the most honest in the game, this is how he urged me to remain honest at every stage of life.

Our hearts are heavy, plus, our eyes are teary as today we bid farewell to our beloved grandpa. It’s not easy, but still, we have to do it. Dear grandpa, your memories will always remain in our lives!

Ten Condolence messages to write on the loss of grandpa

Losing your grandpa calls for preparing a eulogy. But if a friend of yours has lost his grandpa, it’s your moral duty to send them a condolence message. Here are some condolence messages you can write to them!

  1. You are in my prayers these days. Stay strong, my friend!
  2. Your grandpa’s absence is hurting you and your family. I hope time heals all your wounds and wipes out all your pain!
  3. Accept my deep sympathies for your grandpa’s loss. I remember your association with him. Stay strong!
  4. Accept a lot of strength and courage! Your grandpa was a man with dignity and honor!
  5. I was extremely sad to hear about your loss. My deepest sympathies are with you!
  6. My heart aches with utter pain on hearing about your loss.
  7. May you find comfort as I am praying for you continuously!
  8. Hold on to his enlightening memories, and you will find a guiding light for your future path.
  9. He was always proud of her granddaughter. I am happy that you were fortunate enough to make him feel proud in his life.
  10. The time is terrible, but this too shall pass. The support of friends and family will help you sustain and survive this tough time!


We expect that this guide will prove helpful to every granddaughter preparing for the eulogy for her grandpa. No matter what you prepare for a eulogy, it’s natural if you get off track during the speech. That moment is all about emotions that you can’t control. You only need to prepare well and write a eulogy from the depth of your heart!

Vincent Otieno

Vincent Otieno is a passionate jewelry enthusiast and writer at Getnamenecklace, an e-commerce store dedicated to offering exquisite jewelry and thoughtful gifts for your loved ones. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of gift-giving, Vincent curates a collection that celebrates the beauty of craftsmanship and the joy of making family moments unforgettable.

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