Grandma Funeral Speech- Kind Words to Eulogize Your Grandmother
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Grandma Funeral Speech- Kind Words to Eulogize Your Grandmother

Your grandma is probably your most precious asset, and you realize this when you lose her. Losing a grandma is an irreparable loss. You can never forget the love she gave you, the lessons she taught you, and the appreciation she showed you. All these memories urge you to write a eulogy for her. 

While writing the grandma’s funeral speech, you may get a bit emotional and find yourself stuck. Here we have written a good eulogy for grandma to help you write the one for your granny. 

Eulogy for grandma

Our parents introduced us to life.

Our grandparents introduced us to the loveliest way of living a life.

I was luckiest to have such a wonderful lady as my grandma, and I came across this incredible fact when I lost her. Bidding farewell to your loved ones is not easy at all. Today, I have to say goodbye to the most integral part of my life. It’s my most helpless moment as this goodbye is the most difficult.

My grandma was the kind of lady that no one would forget. She influenced every life she touched. Her way of cheering me up when I was down, the smell of her freshly baked cookies for me, and the prayers she used to send my way whenever I was going out. All these little things made my grandma stand out.

Some people leave a long-lasting impact on our lives. They leave, but they seem to have stayed with us forever. Their beautiful memories take the responsibility to cherish us whenever we are sad and wipe the tears of sadness from our eyes. My grandma was one of those people.

We get hurt when we care a lot. And my grandma was the person who cared for every person in the house. There were the things that hurt her and knocked her down. But regardless of the difficulties she had to face, she kept on loving and caring for us the most. She never ran out of love. My granny used to shower cascades of love on everyone; still, her love bank was full!

My grandma’s love was unconditional. Although she was not in favor of every step I took, she still encouraged me to do whatever I wanted. She never judged me, even when the whole world seemed judgmental to me. My actions and decisions had nothing to do with her love because her love was unconditional. She continued loving me no matter what the circumstances were. And I think she was the only person in my life who tolerated my every mistake and loved me unconditionally.

I remember once I made a big mistake in my life, and my parents scolded me. They showed their anger toward me, and I burst into tears when I put my head in my granny’s lap. My grandma taught me how to correct the things I messed up. She told me how to deal with the situation to make it better rather than giving up. And the day after that, I never ended up in tears after making a mistake. I looked for remedies instead and sorted out the matters. Thanks to the wisdom my grandma gifted me!

Politeness is the key to conquering hearts. And she had this key. I was once playing with a ball when it hit her favorite flowerpot. The pot broke, but she said: don’t worry. Its time was over. And I was shocked; how can someone be so polite and kind?

I never felt even a pinch of bitterness in her tone. Neither complaints nor pain, there was always contentment and love in her words. Now when she is not with us, I am amazed how someone could live life the way she lived it. I guess it was only her, and none of us could compete with her in this regard!

I remember the little things required to please her. Merely a phone call, a good night message, or a kiss before going to bed was enough to bring a cherished smile to her face. Her grandchildren were, I guess, closest to her. She loved us even more than her children.

It was a Saturday night when I came back home late. She was waiting for me as her eyes were stuck on the door. I entered her room, hugged her, and kissed her forehead for welcoming me at this hour of the night. And guess what I noticed in return? The smile on her face was genuine. The happiness in her eyes was shining like a star in the sky. From now onwards, no one will be so pleased with my hug. No one will be so excited about my coming back home because no grandma will be in my house now. 

People inherit property that may get ruined with time. The same is the case with money. But the things I inherited from my grandma will stay with me forever. Her memories will be a permanent source of love and happiness for me.

There will come times in life when we desperately need her. We will want to talk to her, need her suggestions, and want her words of encouragement. But we won’t be able to do anything because she has gone so far. She has gone where we can’t lean on her. But yes, she gave us her parts, and it’s when we can help each other find what we have lost. Our loss is irreparable, but we have to be strong and stick to the lessons our grandma taught her. 

I have no words to thank you, grandma, for everything. Today, I thank you for being so patient and polite, showering love on us, being our best companion, giving me suitable suggestions, being courageous and determined, and showing a great sense of humor. Today, I want to thank you for whatever you did for us, grandma. However, thank you is a word that is nothing in front of your great endeavors. 

After you, we are broken from inside and outside, my granny. The world seems shattered to us as no one is on our back to pat us now. I can’t explain in words how sad we are about losing you. Today we have lost a world of happiness and a universe of hope. 

The loss is not only for us but for the entire world. This planet has lost a wise and successful lady. However, I am happy she passed on some wisdom to me, so I will try my best to reflect her personality.

The bond I shared with her is extraordinary. She taught me what even the best educators fail to teach children. She knew how to tackle every situation. She coped with every matter so diligently that, at times, we were surprised how can someone be so genius. But she was!

Her prayers did miracles for me. She loved and prayed for everyone. It would not be wrong if I say that my grandmother lived her life for others. For her parents, her children, her grandchildren, and humanity. I never saw her doing something for herself. She was always up to doing everything for others because this is how great people live their lives. My grandma was indeed a great personality!

When I passed my exams, she gave me a box of chocolate because she knew I love chocolates. She always ensured that I got what I loved. she devoted herself to making our lives perfect. 

Every one of us has to leave this world one day. But I can’t believe my grandma has left. It’s uncertain, it’s unrealistic, and it’s painful. I spent years with her but wanted to spend centuries with her. We are helpless because it’s fate. We can’t erase what’s written to happen in our lives. I wish I could be able to spend some more precious time with my grandma!

Her passion for praying for others taught me how we could shape the lives of others by wishing them something good in every situation. 

The sense of her constant presence always comforted my heart. When someone becomes a tangible part of your life, it becomes extremely hard for you to say goodbye to them. You are going to another world, grandma, and it’s a painful reality for us. May you keep watching us from the skies. May you come to our dreams more often to let us feel your presence. Nothing can fill the space created in our lives due to your absence, granny. 

There is a special corner in my heart that is reserved for you. My heart will remember you the everyday hour, every hour, every minute, and every second. I love you, and I will keep on loving you!  


I hope this funeral speech for the grandmother helped you find the appropriate words to eulogize your grandmother. Only you can find what you exactly want to say to your grandmother. This eulogy was only meant to help you find true inspiration and write the words that will touch everyone’s hearts!

Vincent Otieno

Vincent Otieno is a passionate jewelry enthusiast and writer at Getnamenecklace, an e-commerce store dedicated to offering exquisite jewelry and thoughtful gifts for your loved ones. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of gift-giving, Vincent curates a collection that celebrates the beauty of craftsmanship and the joy of making family moments unforgettable.

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