How to Painlessly Clean Out Your Closet So It Remains Organized
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How to Painlessly Clean Out Your Closet So It Remains Organized

You need this if you are after a transparent closet and to reduce unnecessary clutter.

It may look simple to handle your closet, but sometimes, you should have done this yesterday—when you haven’t organized it for years.

However, a suitable plan and proper system will help you resolve issues quickly. This calls for having the right equipment to assist in making this journey easy.

This article will take you through the details so that your closet is well put together and organized by the end.

Therefore, stay tuned for further details.

How Often Should You Clean Your Closet?

It is typically overlooked, yet how frequently do you wash up your closet?

The solution is simple: Clean your closet at least twice yearly. As the seasons change, go through your wardrobe and give away whatever was the last thing you wore for the past half-year.

In this regard, it might be worth moving on should you forget when you last used it for your daily outfit.

Organize your closet every two years to maintain orderliness, make room for more items, and still have a well-chosen selection of favorite outfits you wear instead of being stored in your closet.

How To Prepare To Clean Your Closet

It may not be easy to clean your closet, but that’s an activity you should do to create orderliness.

Nevertheless, individuals cleaning their closets for the first time likely do not know how to start this process. For further information on this matter, continue reading.

Necessary Supplies

Gather all the necessary materials if you want to tidy up your closet. I’m curious to know about the specific supplies in question.

Boxes or Bins

Dumping all clothing items into a box or bin does make for an excellent clean-up in one’s closet. They are friendly as well and you can arrange the items by type and be sure that everything remains safe.

Employ such containers in organizing supplies and closets. The simple act of making the walk-in organized and arranged is enough, all one needs to do is clean it up.

In the short run, boxes and bins will not completely change your wardrobe for you to have an orderly and presentable space. With a thorough cleaning procedure, your attire can be found conveniently and neatly since all the items are put in order.


After you have collected your properties into cartons or containers, put tags on them. The material you choose for labeling, such as adhesive labels, markers, or masking tape, matters little other than its visibility. 

This simple process then changes your closet from a mess of boxes whose contents are demanding to know into an organized place where things can be easily retrieved. 

Labels’ strength is their ability to create order in disorder by systematizing your closet area.

Cleaning Materials

Make sure that you have your cleaning materials while tackling closet organization. The correct equipment makes the whole thing more accessible and better. 

Nevertheless, you do not need to incur exorbitant costs for specialized cleaning solutions; ordinary household detergents are equally effective. 

Going for regular cleaning commodities, which can be sourced from your house, works perfectly well into the limited framework. 

This is a practical way of having a tidy closet that does not require heavy expenditure. Using common cleaning materials should be prioritized. This makes the cleaning task manageable. Having the right tools makes it easy to maintain your closet with minimal complications.

Tape Measure

While a simple tape may seem odd, taking measurements of your storage space allows thoughtful planning. Knowing the exact dimensions is critical when reviewing organizational options, guaranteeing new additions integrate smoothly. 

Armed with dimensions, informed choices result in arrangement optimization and storage maximization. Careful measurement facilitates strategic solutions for better utilization of available space.

Notebook and Pen

A notebook and pen become your loyal assistants among the jumbled mess inside the closet. Use them to scribble down thoughts, ideas, or any specific items you wish to remember during the organization process. 

You may find a piece of clothing you still need to own and desire to incorporate into your regular selections or identify gaps in your collections that require filling. 

Possessing a dedicated area to log these realizations confirms that your closet cleanout becomes a chore and a strategic tactic to curate an ensemble that suits your way of living.

Create a Sorting System

Having a system is part and parcel of having a well-organized closet. But the system needs to complement the wardrobe. Here is what you need to know about this. 


Pieces that are very dear to you are only allowed in this category. Items that still make you happy, fit well, and complement your current style choices should be kept. 

These are the essential items in your wardrobe—you reach for when you want to feel put together and confident. 

Consider if each piece of clothing deserves to be in your carefully chosen collection as you go through your wardrobe.


One way to show kindness and declutter your closet is to donate what you do not need. 

You can find a local charity organization, see clothes you no longer need, and give them to those in need.  

While it might seem wrong to only donate what you don’t need, it can be another person’s blessing as they might need something to put on. 

This will also help with the closet cleaning process, which will go a long way. 


In the discard section, you’ll need clothes you no longer wear; they are too old or no longer fit you. 

Every item you no longer use or wear should be in the discard section as they take up too much space in your closet for no reason. 

How to Properly Clean Out Your Closet

There are no two ways around it; you must clean your closet and do it now.  Most people always procrastinate cleaning their closet until it becomes unbearable. 

Fortunately, there are methods you can implement to ensure you effectively clean your closet and make it unique again. 

Here is how:

1. Have A One Year Rule

The fastest way to clean your closet is to have the one-year rule and implement it later. You must know that you must declutter and clean your wardrobe every year to be more spacious. 

That means that you shouldn’t hold on to anything you don’t use. There are things you can do without in your closet, whether they are old or do not fit you now.  

2. Try To Wear The Clothes

Sometimes, all you need to do when clearing out your closet is to wear the clothes you haven’t worn in a while. 

Wearing unpopular clothes helps you decide whether you need them or don’t plan on wearing them anymore.  

While this option might be tricky if you don’t plan on letting go of most of your items. Eventually, you will realize that your closet could look much better if you don’t have so many things. 

3. One Item In, One Out

You need to have a rule that when you buy something, you remove another so you don’t have unnecessary items in your closet.  

There is no point in decluttering your closet, only for you to fill it up again with unnecessary stuff. So, if you’re serious about decluttering, you must keep and use this rule. 

4. Try The Hanger Method

If you’re not using a hanger, you’re missing out on having a well-organized, less cluttered closet. 

A hanger will make it easier to arrange the closet and quickly identify items. Ensure all your hangers face the same direction so that when you take out an outfit, you know if it stays in the closet or has to go. 

5. Slow and Steady

If spending hours organizing your closet seems overwhelming, consider working it into your everyday schedule for a more doable strategy. 

Place a donation box beside/near your closet or wardrobe to simplify it. Fill it up every day with at least five items and try to make it a real challenge to add to it.

This multi-stage approach makes such comprehensive cleanup more manageable as a standard daily operation.

Dealing with Difficult Decisions

As in life, sometimes things in your clothes closet that are very precious and beloved by your heart should be thrown into the bin.

This is because a considered and pragmatic way of approaching the judgment process is needed when making complex judgments. Above everything, prioritize the utility and usefulness of each item.

Assess if it is of value emotionally or valuable in your current life. If an object does not fit into either category, it may be time to part ways with it.

Addressing Emotional Attachments

Addressing emotional attachments is not a walk in the park. It requires bravery and the right mindset to do what you must.  

Here is what you can do to get out of this situation:

Acknowledge the Sentiment

Spend some time in the beginning and consciously ascribe to the sentimental worth of specific garments. 

Many garments are not just pieces of clothing but embodiments of memories where one has gone through some special events, passed through particular stages in life, or made an emotional trip. 

This emotional affiliation must be considered because it serves as a platform for future decisions.

Evaluate the Item’s Role

After recognizing sentiment, go for a reflective analysis of what these emotional items are playing up today. 

Consider how valuable these things are for you if they help with everyday life or just lie in your closet without the attention of people around them, which determines an emotional significance. 

This is an essential stage towards intelligent choice-making based on what these things mean in your past and current standing.

Create Memory Keepsakes

Alternatively, fashion out memorabilia using emotionally imbued objects too fashionable for daily wear.

To create a tangible art of cherished garments, they can be converted into a quilt or framed keepsakes, preserving those old memories.

Nevertheless, this creative and revolutionary solution lets us maintain romanticism without storing corpse apparel.

You can resurrect your old things into cool art-like home decorations by simply giving them a new purpose.

Using those items as souvenirs commemorates the sentimental value of these goods while also clearing out your closet—some form of originality in the decluttering journey, but still with affection for valued belongings.

Set Limits for how many you can keep

For example, specifying limits in an emotional sense would be one of the possible ways before throwing away these objects. What is the highest level of emotional baggage that you would like to tolerate?

They may define these borders in terms of a person who should keep them inside specific boundaries, such as a single box within their wardrobe.

They prevent unnecessary sentimentality that would otherwise cause an overflow of unwanted goods into your closets.

They are delineated as restrictions, which provide a grounded groundwork of sentimentality in opposition to home order selections.

Tips for Making Tough Decisions

Navigating through tough decisions in decluttering your living space can be a formidable task, demanding a meticulous and intentional approach. 

Here are some comprehensive strategies to assist you in the decision-making process:

The One-Year Rule

This essential strategic principle, known as the One Year Rule, underpins decisions about keeping possessions.

This pushes for a thorough evaluation that makes you think of the last time you felt value or needed an element.

If they have not considered or used it for one year, it is time to stop the relationship. This time-based criterion is placed above other aspects, thus helping to separate things relevant in life even today from those left far behind.

Fit and Flatter Test

The fit and flatter test is essential for examining whether garments or clothes are appropriate to rejuvenate one’s wardrobe.

The questions that arise under this method include whether the dress suits my body and gives me self-confidence because of its style.

Thus, this dual assessment forms a pivot on which all outfits of your clothes satisfy practical aspects and enhance your self-worth and elegance.

This kind of test is known as the fit-and-flatter test. It instructs you to choose your wear depending on what conforms to your fashion style.

The Versatility Test

A large-scale flexibility test conducted within the confines of your wardrobe considers this item’s suitability as part of it.

Strategic evaluation has to determine if it is compatible with different dresses and how fast the thing can be switched from one case to another.

The versatility test is a critical indicator of those things that provide fullness for a collection wardrobe. Wearing different types of outfits widens your choice of dressing patterns and reduces the need for many garments.

Emotional Resilience

Emotional resilience is vital to your decision-making toolkit while you go through the decluttering process. 

The realization is that letting go of some treasured objects is an equally necessary and normal step towards decluttering one’s life. 

Grow the mindset strength required to choose what works for you now while working towards the bigger picture. 

Accept the acknowledgment that freeing the self is essential to one’s development and establishing a new life.

Seek a Second Opinion

At difficult decision-making times, seeking the other opinion of your trusted friend or family is advisable. 

Outside influence can give a new perspective, recognizing things that an emotionally involved person regarding stuff might miss. 

Decision-making with a confidant helps to have another perspective on such seemingly difficult-to-navigate choices. 

When you bring various external perspectives, different ideas are brought on board, leading to better comprehension and decisions.

Donation as a Positive Step

Consider donation as an improvement step towards a constructive direction instead. Realize that giving away things through donation benefits oneself and promotes a greener way of consuming. 

The idea that donation is more than throwing away should be embraced. Instead, you should strive to influence your surroundings to make a difference. 

Through donating things, you are involved in an endless positive cycle as other people use what will be thrown away for garbage. 

Discover the transformational aspect of giving for cleaning space and building a wider community and environmental awareness.

Tips for Keep Your Closet Clean Longer

Taking up these tricks will make your closet look neat, clean, and, at the same time, eco-friendly.

1. Color Coding

A good closet has clothes that are arranged in two ways. First, they are systematically grouped by color, followed by their categories. 

In addition to this dual classification, it brings artistic appeal and eases locating particular elements within the system. 

The visual organization helps avoid clutter by cutting down on pointless searching through a disorganized closet. 

You make your wardrobe appear more excellent and functional by grouping and arranging similar things according to color. 

Each item will have its permanent residence to ensure efficiency in the use of the closet space with a presentable outcome.

2. Seasonal Rotation

Use a seasonal rotation system to ensure that each item you own contributes towards a streamlined, neat closet. 

Store off-season clothes in its corner and make more places for the current season’s ones. The rotation also increases usefulness by providing ready accessibility to the most needed up-to-date garments. 

Label specific containers or storage bins for seasonal items and keep them in good condition, as they will be needed again once the dry season comes. 

The constant rotation of your wardrobe gives you an edited line-up that goes with the weather for every day’s pick-up.

3. Limit Special-Occasion Items

Make an analytical review on the regularity of using the special-occasion items you possess. Ensure only a few of these items and put them apart correctly, as their regular wear may take the forefront of your everyday dressing style. 

You balance dressing for special occasions and everyday wear, making it easy to have a wardrobe appropriate for any situation. 

The space clothing takes determines storage efficiency and ease of access. Such an assessment avoids the excessive hoarding of occasional items, instead leaving room for the functionally essential articles that make up your usual clothing.

4. Mindful Clothing Choices

Take a critical look at the duration you might wear an item and its usage flexibility before buying it. 

Choose quantity for quality, going for those few items that match your latest fashion tastes and can serve you for a long. 

Ascertain that the piece you intend to buy is easily integrated into your current style to make sure you match clothes and shoes. 

Intentionally buying clothes makes it less likely for shoppers to make impulsive purchases, thus helping them build a logical and consistent style. Quality items instead of trends should make your wardrobe sustainable and long-lasting.

5. Regular Cleaning 

Ensure you include daily cleaning in your closet management regimen to keep it healthy and orderly. 

Besides making your closet look beautiful, dusting regularly keeps insects away and prevents spoiling your clothes. 

Clean all countertops and other surfaces, such as shelves and hangers, to eliminate dust and avoid the accumulation of allergens. 

Vacuum the floor regularly to collect particles and debris that could build up with time. This strategy minimizes the chances of having insects in your clothes and keeps them clean because no dust or dirt can settle.


Clearing up your wardrobe is more than just creating extra room. It ought to entail conscious choice-making.

Taking systematic approaches such as the year principle, trial and error, and working with emotional energy will transform this burdensome assignment into a fulfilling endeavor.

Some factors that make this act deep include clearly defined boundaries, getting an outsider’s view, and even viewing a donation positively. It makes the surroundings neat so there is clear thinking and better organization.

Vincent Otieno

Vincent Otieno is a passionate jewelry enthusiast and writer at Getnamenecklace, an e-commerce store dedicated to offering exquisite jewelry and thoughtful gifts for your loved ones. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of gift-giving, Vincent curates a collection that celebrates the beauty of craftsmanship and the joy of making family moments unforgettable.

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