
What To Text Your Best Friend After A Fight

Friends quarrel. That’s just the way it is sometimes. The closer you get to someone, the more chances they have to truly get under your skin, and vice versa. But it doesn’t matter whether you and your friend fight, as long as you can reconcile after the dispute.

Being friends does not imply you will never quarrel. Disagreements may be a sign of a good relationship, especially when handled properly. It’s key to fight fairly and to make amends after an argument. Good, fruitful debates allow both parties to express their thoughts without feeling judged, criticized, or offended. 

Understanding the Fight

It might be tough to take a step back and attempt to comprehend things from someone else’s perspective, but being able to empathize can demonstrate to your buddy that you genuinely care about them, not just your own feelings.

It’s equally important to listen to your closest friend when they tell you how they feel about what triggered the disagreement and how you fight with them. Try to understand things from their perspective. You are not the only one who is outraged by the battle!

You may not know all of the details regarding what triggered the disagreement, so listen to your closest friends when they tell you. By taking the time to understand the underlying causes of the problem and drafting a heartfelt message, you prepare the road for open conversation and resolution, eventually deepening your connection.

Timing Your Text

Allow each other time to cool off and contemplate before sending a text. Walk away from the argument before it gets out of hand. When emotions are strong, it is simple to say something you do not mean. 

If you start feeling like you’re not in control of your temper—or your buddy isn’t in control of theirs—tell your pal that you’ll talk to them later and walk away. Even if it’s only for a few days or a few weeks, it might be time to distance yourself from each other if things are getting out of control and you’re not moving forward. 

After you’ve both had some time to calm down, try again. So far this has been my best piece!

Apology Texts

There is nothing as sentimental as a genuine apology text from your best friend. This is always the part where they pour out their hearts and smile at their compliments. Apologizing may go a long way toward convincing your buddy that you’re sincere about making things right. 

When you and your buddy are ready to have a conversation, begin by expressing your remorse for what went down. Make your apology honest and avoid making excuses for your actions.

Here is an example of  heartfelt apology texts that acknowledge your role in the conflict and express genuine remorse:

  1. “You mean too much to me for us to argue over something so small.”
  1. “I despise it when we argue. Can we quit now and return to being great friends?”

Expressing Your Feelings

It’s alright to be unhappy after a quarrel with your closest friend, regardless of what happened or who was at fault. Your feelings are valid, and you have the right to share them. Tell your buddy how you feel and explain where you’re coming from, without naming or blaming them.

Be honest and forthright about your emotions with your pal. Tell them how you feel about what triggered the argument and how fighting with them has affected you. Don’t be shy; simply speak your heart out.

You could say something like, 

  1. “I was feeling stressed out already that day, and I lost my temper, and I shouldn’t have done that.”
  2. “I became frustrated when I felt that you weren’t listening to me, but I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”

Asking for Perspective

Reach out to your friend for a conversation. Give your friend a call, send them a text, or shoot them an email. You don’t need to say much—just let them know that you’re feeling bad about what happened and are ready to talk.

To encourage open communication, establish a secure space, speak gently, and show sincere interest in your friend’s feelings. Tension can be reduced by telling them that you want to hear their side of the story without passing judgment and by showing a sincere interest in finding a solution.

Encouraging open communication in a non-confrontational manner is essential for better understanding each other and repairing your connection.

Offering Solutions

Once you and your buddy have a better understanding of what went wrong, you should work together to find a strategy to prevent it from occurring again. This does not necessarily imply that one of you is correct or that you must agree with each other. It might be as basic as establishing some ground rules for conduct or subjects of discussion when you’re together.

Furthermore, offering a face-to-face meeting may be a strong step toward repairing the connection. It will help you and your buddy reconnect, and it will make it simpler for your friend to understand that your apology is genuine. Call or text your pal and tell them you want to meet and talk in person.

Check out some of our texts to offer that meet-up:

  1. “Can we meet up at our favorite spot this week?”
  1. “How about we meet for coffee or a stroll this weekend? I’d want to hear your views and discuss how we can avoid this type of dispute in the future.”
  1. “Please let me know what works for you.”

Light-hearted Follow-ups

This situation is uncomfortable for everyone, and most individuals dislike being in an argument. Some light-hearted humor might assist in relieving the tension in the talk and remind you and your buddy why you’re working so hard to repair this connection.

Remember, this person is still your best friend. Even if they are unhappy right now, they are still the same person with whom you have enjoyed numerous laughs and good moments, and vice versa.

Before you crack jokes, find out how your friend is feeling. Any joking during an argument should be mild, and well-timed, and avoid making it appear as if you are not taking their issues seriously. Avoid using sarcasm or other forms of humor directed at your pal.

For example, you may begin the conversation with something irreverent, such as,

  1. “So, what brings you here?” 
  2. “Well, this is awkward.”

Reaffirming Your Friendship

Show your best buddy how much you care. Tell them how important their friendship is to you. Remind them that your friendship is solid and worth keeping by telling or giving them something that reflects why you adore them. Give them something that shows how important they are to you, such as a keepsake you’ve hidden from them because you adore them.

Reflect on the wonderful memories you have with your buddy and why you wanted them in your life in the first place. Consider moments when they helped you and improved your life. Nevertheless, you may even compile a list of these great recollections and share it with your friend when it’s time to reconcile.

For sure every relationship is destined to have some rocky patches, but the pleasant moments should outweigh the difficult ones. So get encouraged this is not the end of the road. Show them that you aren’t scared to put yourself out there by saying things like,

  1. “Look, you’re my best buddy. I truly adore you!”
  1.  “I don’t want this to happen again.”

Knowing When to Give Space

If you’ve recently had a catastrophic disagreement, you and your closest friend may not be ready to have a calm, courteous chat just yet. Wait until you’ve had a few days to contemplate and separate yourselves from one other and the disagreement. 

Trying to talk about things too quickly might result in another round of conflict. Furthermore, spending time alone allows you to reflect on your relationships as well as the conflict you’re having with your closest friend. Just have some wit and know how to balance this moment of space.

Recognizing signs that people need time, accepting their need for space, providing support without pressure, and using this time for personal reflection are all important aspects that need to be enhanced and maintained


In conclusion, friendship is valuable, but great friends are much more so. Friendships are beneficial to both your social and mental health, but the greatest friends are much more valuable in your life. Best friends are difficult to come by, but when you do find one, they have such a significant influence on your life that you wonder how you ever survived without them.

Unfortunately, every friendship has its ups and downs. And so you have to know how to handle those situations. Don’t just let it slide, it’s very important. Even the best of friends quarrel for a variety of reasons, including envy, lost trust, and opposing viewpoints. 

While these conflicts can be quite unpleasant, it is also natural and good to experience disagreement in any type of relationship. When these disputes develop, it is critical to work together to rebuild the connection via gentle and honest communication. 

Vincent Otieno

Vincent Otieno is a passionate jewelry enthusiast and writer at Getnamenecklace, an e-commerce store dedicated to offering exquisite jewelry and thoughtful gifts for your loved ones. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of gift-giving, Vincent curates a collection that celebrates the beauty of craftsmanship and the joy of making family moments unforgettable.

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